A Message from Katie Bennett, Singing Waters Montana Board Secretary and forever fan:
Happy Holidays!
What does it mean to you? When I think about my happiest holiday memories, they almost always tie back to Mimanagish; some more direct and some more abstract. Mimanagish isn’t JUST a place for me, but the embodiment of community, exploration, growth and spirit.
For many of us who are familiar with the history of Mimanagish it was introduced by our church. Gathering at the holidays for evening service surrounded by hundreds of lit candles in a dimly lit room is one of the most magical feelings.
I feel that magic at Mimanagish, too.
As we scramble to check off those last-minute gifts, brave the lines at the grocery store and bundle up this holiday season the Singing Waters Montana Board says a heartfelt thank you for making our community so vibrant, hopeful and successful this year. Without every volunteer, employee and donation made we would not be the same. So, THANK YOU!
From a space filled with gratitude, we say Happy Holidays to you, however you celebrate. And if you need that last minute gift or simply want to shop for yourself, please visit our new Camp Store and give it a gander. You won’t be disappointed!