How can we possibly thank you? Words feel inadequate, but that’s what we have to work with, so here goes…
Thank you to all of you who contributed, in amounts from $5 to $5000 and more. You made it possible for us to do what once seemed impossible: to own and operate Mimanagish. We could not have done it without you! Since June 15 we have chanted, “It’s ours, it’s really ours!” You can say the same – it now belongs to all of us!
Thank you to the delightful, determined, dogged volunteers who came up to Mimanagish this summer to help get the facility ready. More than 50 of you showed up with gloves in hand to peruse the Volunteer board and tackle the cleaning and maintenance of our beloved Camp. A few highlights include:
- endlessly hand-washing dishes, pots and pans because the old dishwasher was dead;
- staining the decks so it would rain, which it did;
- filling and refilling the dumpster with broken futons, cracked dishes, unsalvageable junk from the Froid Lake heap, the decrepit pool table in pieces, bags and bags of knapweed and thistles, etc. etc. etc.;
- cleaning where no mop has gone before;
- bending and scrunching like Gumby to mud and paint the Lodge restroom;
- clearing and mining the central fire ring, and creating a new fire circle in lower camp;
- adding 5-inch roof extensions all around Full Moon, MUCH cheaper than a new roof;
- offering to varnish the upper outhouse, which wasn’t even on the list!
Thank you to the 50+ people who came to our Dedication Celebration! Thank you to the 22 people who came to Mimanagish for the first time this year, at the invitation of family or friends or staff. We expected to joyfully welcome alumni… but we were really tickled by the number of new campers. And everyone wants to come back!
Thank you to the faithful staff who worked so hard to run the Camp on short notice this summer! You are amazing. Thank you to our founding Board and Working Group who labored tirelessly to reach the finish line with the purchase! And Thank You to our new Board: Ken Crouch, president; Katie Bennett, vice-president; Bobbie Zenker, Secretary; Gina (Ferguson) Herbert, Treasurer; Shanna (Sullivan) Nason, member-at-large.
We feel grateful… and blessed!
Cathy Barker and Dick Weaver, Co-Managers