A Message from Co-Manager Dick Weaver – February 2024
When Cathy and I went up the Boulder Road in December to get a permitted Christmas tree from Mimanagish, we saw just a skiff of snow on the ground. Light snow was falling, it was beautiful, and all was well. We walked around the camp admiring the look of the buildings and the trees and the icy River.
I was struck by the beauty of our historic 1937 Chapel. This iconic building evokes warm memories from those who’ve sung, danced, hugged, worshipped, laughed, and cried inside its walls. As we look into the future, we want the Chapel to be even more friendly and enjoyable. In 2023, Dave Botma and Mark Cadwallader patched up the aging concrete steps, and David and Robin Botma improved the railing on the accessibility ramp in the rear. I placed some trim around the interior walls.
But there’s more! Let’s make the entry safer and more welcoming, bring more warmth to the room by improving the fireplace, and make the floor danceable again. We need your financial help to refresh and renew this building that is at the heart of Mimanagish. We are applying for grants, and we need to raise $5000 in matching funds in the next few weeks. Can you help?