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Camp is Open!

Yes, Camp Mimanagish is open! The Little Hudson is flowing, the grass and weeds are growing, we’ve had a little rain and a little heat, and we’ve had volunteers and trained professionals at work. It’s great to be back in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness enjoying Camp Mimanagish!

We are available for both volunteers who want to work, and hostel-stays by our friends who just want to come up and relax or hunt for trout in the Boulder River. There are some scheduled events in August and early September, too, which you can find on the website.

Here is a special invitation: Saturday, July 31, we are holding a Celebration and Dedication for a new life for Camp Mimanagish, and you’re invited!

Festivities start at 10 AM, with a pulled-pork lunch at noon. Vegetarian and poultry options are available, too. AT about 1 PM we will have a time of official celebration, and a dedication and a blessing of the Camp. If you want to arrive on Friday, and/or stay over Saturday night, space is available.

Cost for the lunch and celebration is $20. Those who wish to stay overnight can find rates on the website.

It is important to let us know you’re coming, so we can have enough food and bed-space for our guests! To register for any and all events go to and follow the steps. Please join us!